
Informal typing straight into the blog site. Something new for me, as usually I rewrite and organize and work too hard to get it as perfect as I can approximate.  But it isn’t about perfection, is it? It’s about success, about talking to the online void.  For I am sure no one is reading this anytime soon. 

I’m two weeks into quitting alcohol and caffine and feel as muddled and lethargic as  I imagine a turtle must be.  I’m slow, although I have had moments of insight and fast talking, but generally I find it difficult to get anything accomplished.  My rule for drinking is that I will not drink unless I’m with someone who is also drinking, and not more than they do.  So, I just had one Corona Light for Cinco de Mayo. 

Caffine is a little different.  I’m not having any of that, regardless of who is drinking it around me.  So I’m a muddlehead and have been one for about two weeks.  Seems longer.  I haven’t gotten much accomplished.  My grand ideas are fleeting and trying to write any of them down involves a gargantuan effort.

Likely I will use caffiene again at some point, but hopefully judiciously, treating it like any other drug.

And just for fun, the following pictures show the ebb and flow of the Meramec River at Castlewood State Park, near St. Louis, Missouri.

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